Tuesday, February 22, 2011

 Last weekend Max and I went to Toledo for a visit.  After cleaning out and washing the Escape (it has been a few...year... & it looks soo much better!) we went to the Home and Garden show at the Seagate Center with my parents. It was fun to get out and look at all of the new things they have for decks, bathrooms, and kitchens. When we left we drove past the Maumee River & it was pretty neat looking.

My mom and I got out and walked around @ the Docks- which are now owned by China- and enjoyed the beautiful day.

On Sunday, Max and I got to visit with two of my best friends, Mandie & Amanda. Amanda had her little boy Jack with her, so he and Max got to play. It was so good to see them and hang out.


Jack loved watching Max & Max definitely liked showing off for little Jack. After this first round of "smooching" the boys had a screaming match. Aunt Mandie almost told us to leave after about five minutes of the boys screeching back and forth, lol. Jack also loved touching Max's face. Max was a trooper, but after the nose pulling he got a little fed up.  We reminded him that Jack was a baby and he couldn't get mad. I think we reinforced Mandie's plan of not having kids. Ever. 

Hugs and Kisses :) 

and nose pulling... 

Adorable baby Jack!!

Let the screaming match begin!

Cheese :)

Give me a smooch!!
We had a lot of fun and can't wait to go back again next weekend to see Ems and Johanna!! 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Growing Baby!

Here are some pictures of the baby and I over the past several weeks.

        Here I am at 16 weeks pregnant. Not looking too big yet....

In this ultrasound, the baby is 19 weeks and 3 days old. You can see the back of his head and his long legs curled up :)

                                                  It's a boy!!

  Clint took these on our "Cold Day" Thursday. I was 22 weeks and 6 days- making me
  23 weeks today!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Saturday

We all had a great time yesterday celebrating Ally's 1st birthday. She was was so cute and curious. Right when we got there, she crawled over to Clint and wanted him to pick her up. It was adorable!

Tony and Brittany also have a little snorting pug, Lilly. Max gave her a smooch, but as soon as Lilly wanted more he wasn't as into it :) 

After the party, Clint and I were able to go out for my birthday. It was awesome just being together and having fun. We went to Paula's on Main, one of my favorite seafood restaurants, and then we went to see The King's Speech. Our dinner was excellent- I had pan seared scallops & Clint had fish'n chips. The movie was also entertaining. Different from anything we've seen in a long time, but I enjoy watching historical movies & this one was very good. We were really happy to have a night to ourselves--something that is pretty hard to do nowadays!

 Max spent the night with Gramps and Gramma. He of course had a lot of fun!! Below is a picture of him from Friday. He LOVES reading books. Here he is sitting in his chair from Nana reading 9 Little Monkeys