Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Today we tried to take Max sledding for the first time. We got all bundled up and packed into the yellow bus (Escape) and headed to a hill we thought would be perfect. Unfortunately, it wasn't open! So, we came home and had fun playing in the backyard.

 Max was very curious about the snow. At first, he was skeptical about walking into it, lol. After a few minutes his courage increased and he was running and jumping into a big snow pile dad made for him. We had a great time. 

Here, I am about to teach him how to make a snow angel. He wasn't so sure.....

               Clint pulled him around the backyard. Nice workout!

                             Now it is time for some hot chocolate!


  1. The snow angels picture is so funny!! His little face next to you is priceless. I love the Hill blog!! Keep it up :)

  2. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! Max is too adorable! I love the snow angel attempt :)

  3. looks like he had a ton of fun! I always get frustrated with getting ALLLLLL the snow gear on the 3 boys, only to get outside and have snow get down their neck, or down their sleeves or some other catastrophe, and we're right back inside, taking all that snow gear back off again.

    you'd think with 3 boys I might have learned patience by now, but it's a work in progress. :)

    nice blog!

