Sunday, January 9, 2011

Christmas 2010


Max's "smile" :)

This year we were able to spend a very peaceful Christmas day at home. It was so much fun watching Max open his gifts. He had a great time playing with everything! I am glad we were able to be at home and enjoy that time together.

On Sunday we traveled to Toledo to visit my parents, Grandma Norma, and Uncles Dave and Zach. Max loved seeing his Nana and Papa and of course couldn't stop talking about them for a while after we left. Nana, Clint and I took him to The Children's Wonderland. He LOVED the train!

Then, on Thursday, we drove down to Noblesville, IN to visit Kelli, Brandon, Drake and Grandma Carol. The boys actually played nicely together and shared most of their toys. They had so many to open it took all afternoon. 

On Friday, we celebrated with Gramps and Gamma in Churubusco. The Lockwoods came up and we had a delicious breakfast. The boys once again had lots of fun opening up their toys and playing in Kidland :) 

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