Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Our Second Baby Boy

On Tuesday, January 18th, we all went to the Dr.'s to see our new baby. Clint and I were really excited to find out how the baby and I were doing and of course to find out if the baby was a boy or girl. Max didn't stop saying, "Baby! Baby!" the whole time I was getting the ultrasound. We were happy to find out that soon Max would have a new baby brother to play with!! That means more beeps, blocks, and balls for many years to come :) Our little boy should arrive around June 2nd or 3rd. Now the hard part--coming up with a name. We had a kind of hard time trying to think of a name for Max, so I wonder what we will decide. I'm not sure if we will keep it a secret this time or not....My  dad suggests Ernie (I think for his middle name Ernest) and my mom likes Cooper. We will see.

The picture above is from my ultrasound at 13 weeks. It is actually better than the pictures we got yesterday. Baby (I told Sarah I was going to call  him Otis Stanley) was all curled up in a ball-his knees were touching his head--so we couldn't see him very well. As soon as I get the pictures on my computer I will post them.


  1. I say no surprise! It is much to hard :) Jeff and I decided we will no longer be doing that again, lol. I still like the name Collin. Or Johnathon, or Clint Jr.! Any name you chose will be adorable though. So happy for you guys.

  2. I love how Max was saying "Baby" during the ultra sound. It's amazing what a few months can do. Tyler was a wiggle worm and had no idea what was going on. How neat that Max has some clue and can get excited about his baby brother too! I like Otis Stanley :)
