Sunday, January 16, 2011

Max's First Haircut

Well, almost two years after Max was born, he finally had his first haircut last Tuesday. I think we were more nervous about the process than he was! As you can see in the pictures, he did a great job. No tears were shed, no screaming tantrums...just his serious face watching every move the hairdresser made. He loved watching his hair disappear and was fascinated with the razor. Clint and I were very proud of him :)

After his haircut we went out to eat at Red Lobster-my old home away from home ;) The cheddar bay biscuits were as delicious as ever. 


  1. Did you keep a lock of his hair, or the super long straggler? He looks so cute with his new haircut, I am so glad we got to skype to see it! Mmmm cheddar biscuits are delicious...

  2. Wow! I'm amazed that he hasn't gotten a hair cut before. I'm glad he did so well for you! His haircut is super cute! Red lobster does sound yummy right about now...
