Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Happy 8 Months, Leo!!

Today is Leo's 8 month birthday. We even celebrated (officially it was for me :) ) but he got to try a tiny little bite of frosting, so he got a treat too!

                                                  Here are some photos of my big boy.

Look at his teeth! His two top teeth popped through at about 7 1/2 months. He had a harder time with those- woke up quite a bit at night. Now his canines are coming in as well. Poor boy! 

I love this picture! lol Hey You Guys!! Emily says the same thing about Max and Johanna's pictures. It is true! Mini Sloths 

Leo loves to play cars with his big brother. 

Leo loves to dance. It is hilarious! We all sit and watch him bop around from side to side while Clint, Max, or I sing different songs. He also likes to clap a lot and wave hello and goodbye. 

He is still such a happy baby, but he is also showing us his wants by crying or squealing when he is not getting his way. He does not like bath time to end. He hates getting his nose wiped. He no longer stays still for even 5 seconds when it is time for a diaper change. He flips over and gets angry when you turn him back around to put his diaper on right. 

Leo is just now starting to sleep through the night. He usually sleeps from 8:30 to 8:30- I'm hoping it lasts! I am nursing once in the evening-- ever since going back to work, it has been harder to nurse. Not sure how long I will be able to go. He also drinks a bottle in the morning, at lunch, and before bed. He is also eating a lot of fruits, vegetables, and he has tried some meat dinners. 

Max is still very caring and loving towards his little brother. He is very quick to let me know that Leo needs an animal, and Max needs to "check on Leo" in his crib whenever he is sleeping. Max also told us today that he needed to "entertain Leo" and proceeded to dance and sing for him. There have also been a few jealous moments, so we've had to talk with Max about still being gentle with little brother. I'm sure there will be much more of that as they get older. I'm so glad that Max loves to take care of him though. 

                                                     We love you Leo Michael Hill!! 

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Baby Boys

Well, I have just finished my second week back to work. Life has changed so much! It is kind of a nice break being at school and having something else to work on during the week, but it is also sad knowing that I am not home to take care of my boys. I wish the days were twice as long and I was given an overabundance of energy! However, I am extremely thankful for the job I have right now- it is a major blessing that I thank God for everyday I'm there.

With that said, I haven't had much time take pictures or post anything on my blog! This post is actually from on of my best friend's baby shower that we threw for her on January 15th. My friend Megan has some more photos, so I am going to add them when I get them from her. I'm so excited for my friend Michelle and her husband Jon. They are also having a little boy who is due on March 17th (St. Patrick's Day!). It will be a lot of fun to watch our boys play and grow up together. So many of my good friends (and my two sisters- Emily and Kelli) have boys- I wish we all lived within 10 minutes of one another so we could let them play more often!

Here are a few photos of her shower-there will be more to come!

I thought this envelope was so cute I had to take a picture. Should have taken a picture of the invitations as well!

I'm hoping Megan got a better picture of the presents! 

This is Michelle and one of her good friends. 

Max is obsessed with tongs. He calls them "clippers" and a pair we had was actually one of his favorite toys until Clint (accidentally...) hehe threw them away one day because he kept pinching himself. At the shower this entertained him for at least a half hour. 

Mamma Pray and I :) 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Visiting the Johnson's

Leo and I went on another adventure last Tuesday and Wednesday to visit my longtime friend, Mandie and her boyfriend Chris. They live in Elgin, IL, so it was actually the farthest west I have every driven. We had such a wonderful time catching up- I really miss living close to her. We used to go on almost daily rollerblading workouts or walks, so it was nice to go on a long walk around her neighborhood. The weather was in the mid 50's, sunny, and gorgeous-very lucky.

Tuesday night Chris took us all out for sushi- delicious! It was the first time I got a bit adventurous with my sushi and tried something a little more daring than a California or Salmon roll. While we were at dinner Chris started clapping for Leo. Max and I have been trying to get Leo to clap for the past two months...Uncle Chris does it, and on the first try Leo starts to clap! It was so cute!! Every time one of us would say, "Yay!" or start to clap, Leo would clap his little hands together.

Leo's nose turns really orange in the winter just like Max's did. I think it is just dry, but even lotion/moisturizer/Aquaphor doesn't work.

Chris and Mandie made us some amazing Belgian waffles. They had a neat mini waffle maker & the waffles were very tasty. Mandie even made homemade whip cream, and had fresh strawberries and blueberries for toppings. Best breakfast foods!

Aunt Mandie was able to sit next to Leo...she still hasn't changed a diaper! lol That might be the one thing she never does.... haha. 

This is the view from their kitchen--it was very pretty and peaceful. They see lots of deer and coyotes each morning and evening. Beautiful home and neighborhood--we had such a nice time. Wish we could have stayed longer! 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Cutie Pie

Leo has been sitting up on his own for over a month now, however, he is getting better at it each day! Just last week he started sitting up for several minutes at a time until someone distracted him. This week he can sit up and look all over the room without tipping over. He loves it! He has been sitting with brother and playing with his toys quite a bit. Good job, Leo!!

This picture was taken right after dinner..,notice the carrots on his face? :) 

I took these photos with my iPhone, & then cropped them quite a bit. That is why they are kind of grainy. 

                                                                We love you Leo!!

You Are My Sunshine

I have had this song in my head a lot lately. We have been enjoying some beautiful weather the past few days! Lots of sun and it has been a bit warmer. Loving it! Clint, the boys, and I took a nice walk at a trail close to our house and then played at the park for awhile. Winter is definitely more tolerable when the sun is shining.

This part of the trail is 1.65 miles. We tried to get Max to run some of it--he did awesome! He also started to collect some sticks and a leaf.  For a while, whenever anyone would walk by, he would just stare at them, while pointing his stick directly at their faces. It was hilarious and odd at the same time. He walked almost the whole way around without needing to be held. 
After playing at the park we stopped by B. Antonio's for some delicious pizza, and then relaxed at home. Fun afternoon!