Well, our family has been enjoying some much needed downtime lately. I think we've all been feeling pretty overloaded, so it has been nice to take it easy, not plan as many activities, and spend time at home. Don't get me wrong, our lives are still hectic with all of the normal day to day routines! I am enjoying little bits of free time here and there. It is awesome :)
One thing that I think is super cute lately: Leo and his lovie blanket. He really enjoys snuggling with his super soft blanket (It is actually Max's baby blanket from my Aunt Cheryl. Don't tell him ;) ). He reminds me of a little Linus, dragging it around with him after night time and naps. So cute!
Leo has also been trying out some new words on a daily basis. He has been surprising us lately with how many words he is starting to say or attempting to get out. Some of his new (and old) favorites are as follows:
" Love you" sounds kind of like "Laa Uuu"
"Thank you" = "Aan Uuu"
"Phone" = "Mone"
"Mine" = "My"
"Uh Uh" = "Uh Huh"
He has been saying, Uh Oh, Mama, Dadda, Ma (Max), Kitty, Up, Go, Out, Milk, Cookie, Noo! and a few others for a couple of months now. Our little buddy is growing up so fast!
Max is also changing daily. He is my ultimate little helper. We spent the day yesterday doing tons of chores around the house. Max willingly helped me fold and put away laundary, sweep, mop, dust, and wipe down furniture. Best of all, he actually did a good job! I will take advantage of his helpfulness while I can. One of his famous quotes, "I'm good at picking up dirt-people call me The Cleaner."
Max is such a creative soul and frequently says the cutest things. Last night, after reading stories, Clint looked at Max and said, "You are the best at cuddling." Max replied, "Indeed." lol While playing Firefighters this morning, Max and I were rescuing about 25 stuffed animals from Leo's crib (the burning building). After we rescued them, we put them in the chair (ambulance) and whisked them away to the hospital. Max changed his costume into Dr. Max and started checking all of the animals over. He discovered that several of the animals had at least 5 or more broken teeth from the fire(?) and the rest had broken hearts. Awe! He had to take those animals to the special hospital to get fixed up. He is also obsessed with the Home Alone movie from when we were kids. He thinks Macaulay Culkin is the coolest. However, he has now gotten into a habit of telling us he wants a new family when he doesn't get what he wants. I pretty much laughed out loud the first time he said it in his serious pouty voice.
We are enjoying our time indoors for now, but I will be ready for spring & summer soon. :)