Sunday, May 8, 2011

Max's First Night in the Big Boy Bed

Friday night, Clint and I worked on switching Max's crib into the baby's room. He was kind of suspicious of us taking his crib, dresser, chair, and a few books into his new little brother's room.

He wanted to help daddy put the crib back together for baby. 

Max ended up sleeping in his crib for one more night because my parents were bringing his new bed and dresser Saturday. We thought he would wake up a few times because he was in a new room, but he actually slept better than he had in a couple of weeks. 

On Saturday, my parents came up to visit, and they helped paint one of the walls in Max's room. We put his bed up and got everything organized for his first night in a big boy bed. 

Max was very excited about his new room. He wouldn't stop jumping and running all over the place!

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When it was time for bed, Max was pretty scared to sleep. We read a couple stories, but when I left, he started crying and wouldn't fall asleep. I brought him downstairs with me for a bit, thinking he would fall asleep on the couch and I could take him upstairs. That didn't happen. Finally, I ended up falling asleep with him in his new bed until around 12:15. Clint and I fell asleep around 1:00 and then a few hours later Max woke up and just ran into our room. That was a big change! We are definitely not familiar with him just waking up and walking around. That will be our next project- a way to keep him in there without traumatizing him ;)  He ended up sleeping with us for the rest of the night. The sad thing is, he fell out of our bed for the first time instead of his new one! He was fine, but we both ended up waking up around 6:15. Hopefully he will get used to his new bed soon. We love you big boy!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Drake!!

Happy Birthday Drake!! You are such a wonderful little boy. We are so happy that we got to celebrate your special day with you.

The first thing the boys wanted to do was go outside and play in the water. It was so funny! We got some better pictures on Kelli's camera, but both boys were completely soaked. Drake loved spraying the water, and Max just wanted to be sprayed, lol. They were adorable!  

Drake liked opening his gifts for about 5 minutes, then he just wanted to play. Max took over for awhile.  

Drake's cool new race car bed.  

Cake time!!

Drake loved the kitchen we got him. It was really cool- perfect for a little boy :)  He and Max had fun playing with it together. They had such a great time together- can't wait until we get to see everyone again. 

Everybody's Zooin It!

Last weekend we went to the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo for the afternoon. Beautiful weather and active animals made for a good day. Thanks to Clint's mom, we bought a Zoo pass for the year. I'm excited to go back again with Max and his new baby brother many times this summer.

We decided to take the sky ride across the African Safari. It was pretty cool to see the animals from that point of view. We thought they would be walking right below us- but since people drop stuff quite a bit, it is probably better they are out of harm's way. 

Max really enjoyed looking at the giraffes. He said they were his favorite. He also really liked the penguins and sea lions.  

I thought the Zebras looked neat. We had never seen them so close before.  

No surprise, Max's favorite part of the day was the drums! It was hard to get him away.

We only made it through two of the exhibits, so next time we hope to see the Australian section and the Petting Zoo. Hopefully we will make it to the Toledo Zoo as well in July.