Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Drake!!

Happy Birthday Drake!! You are such a wonderful little boy. We are so happy that we got to celebrate your special day with you.

The first thing the boys wanted to do was go outside and play in the water. It was so funny! We got some better pictures on Kelli's camera, but both boys were completely soaked. Drake loved spraying the water, and Max just wanted to be sprayed, lol. They were adorable!  

Drake liked opening his gifts for about 5 minutes, then he just wanted to play. Max took over for awhile.  

Drake's cool new race car bed.  

Cake time!!

Drake loved the kitchen we got him. It was really cool- perfect for a little boy :)  He and Max had fun playing with it together. They had such a great time together- can't wait until we get to see everyone again. 


  1. Happy 2nd Birthday to Drake on May 7th!! When I posted about his birthday party I didn't realize that it looked like I was telling him happy birthday on Friday. I hope you had a fun day yesterday!

  2. Happy Birthday Drake!

    Your the cutest boy and it looks like you had alot of fun at your birthday!
    What a happy day for you and Max.
    Many happy wishes for you!

    Laura & Mark

  3. Happy birthday Drake! You are so cute and I love your about cool!
