Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Leo Michael is 8 Weeks Old

I can't believe my little baby is already 8 weeks old. He has grown and changed so much in the last two (almost) months. Over the last two weeks, Leo has started smiling when someone looks at him with a big grin- especially in the morning hours. He loves attention from his big brother- which Max definitely gives on a daily basis. Leo also enjoys snuggling with Mama. Even more so during the evening hours.

We have been very busy these last 8 weeks. He had his first bath at two weeks, which was when his umbilical cord fell off. This was nice for us because Max's stayed on for over two months. Leo also became quite the traveler! In another post I will talk about my sister Emily and my niece Johanna's visit, but Leo was very excited to meet his beautiful Aunt and cousin. He also went to his first friend's birthday party- Jack Muckenthaler, made two trips to the Fort Wayne Zoo, stayed for at least a week at my family's cottage on Round Lake and another couple of weeks at Nana and Papa's house, and went to the YMCA Splash Pad with me, Max, and his Aunt Meredith. The following pictures are a few different shots from the past 6 weeks. I might add more later when I have the time to look at them some more. I REALLY want to get a camera like the one my sister has, it is awesome!! However, it will be nice to stay home for the next several months, so I will have to wait. Maybe by his 1st birthday :)!

Leo has been doing really well. It is a lot of work taking care of two boys, but it is also a lot of fun. Usually at night I get about 3 hours of sleep, sometimes four, in a row. Leo usually has his last meal around 9:00 and then he will sleep until 2:00. Then he will wake up at 5:00 or 6:00 depending on how lucky I am. After that he will sometimes fall asleep for a little bit, or he will be ready to get up. Lately, I've been falling asleep with him in the rocking chair in his room after the last early morning feeding. Evening time is the hardest because that is when Leo is the most needy. Ken and Karan have helped me out a lot by inviting us all over for dinner at least three times a week or more. Max can play with his grandparents while I take care of little brother. Bedtime is getting easier. Since I am usually by myself, I have to figure out a time when Leo will be the least fussy. I try to feed him right before I put Max to bed, but sometimes that doesn't work, so I bring him into Max's room with me. If Max hears Leo start to cry while we are saying his bedtime prayers, he always tells me to, "Go help Leo." It is so cute. Max really tries to help a lot and loves to give his brother hugs and kisses. I am so glad that he has a little brother to play with. I am very excited to watch their relationship grow.


  1. Max is so sweet! I can't believe he has the empathy to tell you to go and help his baby brother! What a beautiful and sweet story to share!

  2. Love all of these pictures!! Max is such a great big brother, he loves Leo so much and is such a great help. Leo has had such a busy first 8 months, he is going to love to stay busy as he gets older I bet!
