Saturday, June 23, 2012

Hocking Hills

DeHan family reunion 2012! Almost every member of my family on my mom's side was able to make it for a few days of sweating, hiking, camp fires, and more sweating. It is a gorgeous area with lots of beautiful trails and rivers. My Dad ended up renting a house for our immediate family, especially since we had 4 kids 3 and under with us. My cousin Sarah and her two bambinos stayed with us as well; while the rest of the family camped out. Clint and I were only able to stay two nights, but it was plenty of time with two little ones. We enjoyed being with everyone, but it was hard trying to wrangle them up for the different activities. I got all of these pictures from my sister-I wanted to copy them because I didn't take very many. Thanks Em, for saving these memories for me!

Two little monkeys jumping on the bed!

Princess Johanna playing with Max's cars :) 

Teddy Bear Dance!!!

So cute!! J.J. was almost 3 months old in this picture. 
Fuse ball while "CAMPING"

Max and his "little donut" Taylor. 

Getting ready to do one of things we've done in a while. The hike to Old Man's cave was really neat. However, carrying the stroller down tons of narrow stairways and paths was a challenge. Poor Clint, Dad, Evan, and Uncle Bill! I had to carry it a couple of times too. Plus, Max almost fell off one of the cliffs. That was one of the scariest moments of my life! 

My fam. 


Giant caravan of people. 

My lovely Sareeb and Taylor!!

Beautiful Lauren and Avery

My Uncle Bill and Sarah's little guy Brody. 

Clint is in such good shape. He just carried the stroller up a long stairway and tunnel, then turned around to carry Johanna up. Way to go, Uncle Clint! 

Evan and Shawna thought ahead and brought baby pools-- excellent!

Max loves Aunt Shannon! 

Uncle Dave....

Max's first campout bonfire. He loved his marshmallows. 

Carly and Max had a few long conversations :) So cute!

He was a typical boy and obsessed with the fire. 

Katrina and Adrienne showing him a few things. 

                                          Another fun adventure with my family!

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