Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Eggs

Max and Leo were lucky enough to dye eggs twice this year. The first time was with Aunt Kelli, Uncle Brandon, and Drake. We had a great morning coloring eggs and then spent the afternoon going for an Easter Egg Hunt at Amma and Nap's house.

                             The boys picked the colors they liked and decorated them with stickers.

Easter weekend the boys and I went to Toledo. On Saturday we were able to go to the zoo with one of my best friends, Amanda, and her son Jack. The boys had a great time playing in the kids' Nature's Neighborhood. I'm so glad that my boys will be able to play with Jack on a regular basis. I know they will one day have as much fun as their mamas do.

Later that day we went to my friend Tricia's to dye eggs and have another Easter Egg Hunt. Max also loves to play with her little boy, Marco. The Carrero's made us a delicious dinner and we watched about half of We bought a Zoo, before Max got too crazy (overly tired..).

1 comment:

  1. Leo is so stinkin' cute!! And I will always love that picture of Jack hugging Max. :)
