Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas with GiGi and the Lockwoods!

Over the weekend we drove down to Noblesville to spend a couple of days celebrating Christmas with Clint's mom, sister, Brandon, and our nephew Drake. The boys loved playing together, and we had a nice time hanging out with everyone for a couple of days.

They both fell asleep as soon as we pulled onto the highway leaving Fort Wayne. 

Kelli's amazing tree. She is so talented!! 

The boys trying out Drake's shaving equipment. 

 Leo loved the music box- just like Max did at his age.

He can't get enough of Ratchet. 

Our little helpers :) 

Leo got another Tigger- he is so cool! He bounces and sings-hilarious. 

GiGi opening her gifts. 

The next day we went outside in the gorgeous sunshine and played in the snow. Snowball fights and sled pulling were definitely on the to-do list.

Leo was busy trying to get used to walking in the snow. This was the first time he had ever been in the snow by himself. 

Pull, Aunt Kelli!! My turn, my turn! 

Look over there! 

Red light Green light with Mama. 

Pull, Daddy! 

I like this snow stuff. 

Uncle Brandon gets a few turns around the loop. 
 Giggi made some delicious lasagna and a pineapple upside down cake- yum!! The boys even got to have a pretend snow ball fight in the house. We love you guys.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!!

Christmas morning is always magical. When I was a little kid, my sister and I would wake up insanely early, waiting until our parents would wake up and let us run out to the tree. It was special every year. This year, Max woke up around 7:00 and came running into our room. He was so full of excitement and energy.We tried waiting for Leo to wake up, but after 10 minutes Max was ready to run in and get him. I love them both more than anything.

Our Christmas tree this year. It's the special tree for Leo :) 
Yay!! Santa delivered kid scissors!! And lots of candy...

Max couldn't wait to ask Santa for his Power Ranger gear, Stompeez slippers (lol), and Spider Man shooting webs. 

Max really wanted to ask Santa for a Tigger for Leo. He loved it--almost as much as his sweedish fish ;) 

What a mess! 
Best Christmas present!!

He couldn't wait to try out his Spidey gear. 

Clint and the boys got me a beautiful turquoise necklace and earrings and a beautiful new coat. 

I got Clint one of his faves, and the boys picked out a new red shirt that Max really wanted to pick out. He said he wanted to make sure Daddy had a fancy shirt to wear out with his friends, lol. He chose red because it is one of his many favorite colors. 
Max made this ornament for Clint and I at preschool. It was wrapped in an adorable bag with a little angel craft on the front. We were so surprised, and absolutely loved it! 

After we opened our gifts, we made Monkey Bread (Pull-a-Part) for breakfast. So delicious!!

 After we had breakfast, Ken and Karan came over to celebrate the afternoon with us. We had a wonderful time together.

I knew Leo would love his own little recliner! He was really happy :) 
Max could not wait for Amma to open up her gift he picked out at the Elf shop. 
I love this picture! 


Paging, Dr. Leo Marvin! 
We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!! We are so thankful for all of our family and friends. Thank you God for sending your son, and for all of our many blessings.