Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Break Begins :)

My parents came to visit the Friday we got out of school for winter break. It was wonderful having them here with us for the weekend. We cooked, shopped, and played outside. Max enjoyed making cookies with Nana, and Leo and I took Papa shopping for some workout clothes. We ended their stay with a tasty Christmas dinner and opened presents. Great way to start off our vacation!

Max was so excited to give the gifts he had picked out. He was dancing around the room, singing and clapping. It was really cute and joyful. We could tell that he really put some thought into his gift ideas. He got my mom a soft pair of socks. 

He picked out an elephant that he and Papa could paint together. 

 Max also picked out a beautiful pink necklace and bracelet for me and a motorcycle book for Clint. We didn't get pictures, but we were very surprised and proud of how sweet and thoughtful he is.

1 comment:

  1. Awww I love them in their little outfits!!! They are so cute. I can't wait to celebrate Christmas with you guys this year :) Love you guys!
