Saturday, February 16, 2013

Valentine Love

Last weekend Max and I had fun crafting and baking. This is a pretty common theme around here lately! Saturday afternoon was spent baking heart shaped sugar cookies. The dough was very easy to make, especially since I had a great helper by my side. After letting the dough chill for 25 minutes, we rolled it out and used our heart shaped cookie cutter to make dozens of fluffy sugar cookies.

Leo wanted to help! 

     I think Max's favorite part was frosting the cookies. However, after the first two cookies or so, he was a mess! He decided that he would rather just put the sprinkles on top. He is learning so much. Cracking eggs- no problem, pouring in all of the ingredients-easy. He even put just the right amount of sprinkles on each cookie. Maybe he will be my own little Top Chef Master and fulfill Papa's dream to open up a family restaurant. ;)

On Sunday we decided to make some valentines. He has actually been doing this a couple weekends in a row, but today I had him cut out all of the hearts by himself. He told me that he practices with scissors at school all the time. He was great with them! It kind of surprised me. Leo tried getting in on the action as well. Here are some photos of their Valentine creations from the past couple weekends.

Here are a few pictures of Max and Leo writing their names on valentines from Nana. Max really enjoyed doing this, and it was great practice writing his name (about 30 times). 

Leo tried writing his name too. :) 

Putting the valentines into the box. 

They really enjoyed themselves. They also enjoyed all of their delicious Valentine's Day treats :) Thanks again Nana and Papa for the goodies. We love you!!

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