Monday, April 25, 2011

33 Weeks

But...less than 6 weeks until our baby will be here!! Right now, the doctor is planning on inducing me the night of June 2nd. She wants to wait about 3 more weeks until making it definite. She said that we might even go earlier depending on how I am measuring. At the moment I am measuring right on schedule. However, I was also measuring normally with Max, and we all know what happened there. We're still having a hard time with names! Ethan, Colin, and Conner are now all out. I am starting to think that we are going to be one of those couples that takes our son home without a name, lol.

 Here is a picture of Max and I showing off our baby bumps. :)


  1. You look beautiful and I love that shirt! I can't believe he will be here in less than 6 weeks this pregnancy flew by! I wonder what name you will chose, can't wait to hear.

  2. Cute post!
    Max-a-doodle your a funny boy!
    Won't be long now. (:

    love to all
    nana& papa
