Sunday, April 17, 2011


MaxMan LOVES sports. He likes to throw, catch, kick- not always letting you know when it will happen. He thinks it is pretty funny when he throws a ball at you and then, once it has hit you, says, "Catch!" really loudly. 

Daddy, Gramps (Napps) and Max were throwing the football around last week in the backyard. I tried to get some pictures of the action. It started to get dark, so some of them didn't turn out the greatest. I'm hoping to take a photography class with my mother-in-law this summer, so maybe I will learn a few things about nighttime photos. 

He looks so happy here. 


  1. The photos turned out great!
    Max sure loves his football. What a great time!

    love you
    mom & dad

  2. The action shots are great! I love his little flip flops and his rosy cheeks. He must have been playing hard!

  3. It looks like he loves all his little balls, I am glad! I love his flippy flops, he looks like a little man. I miss you guys!! The sunset is pretty, looks like you had a great night.
