Sunday, June 12, 2011

Busy Busy

Wow, so many things happened throughout the month of May, I got pretty behind in my blogging. I am going to go back to the beginning of May and put a few posts in.

First, I had a wonderful Mother's Day with Clint, Max, Mom, Dad, Karan and Ken. Clint took us all out for a delicious breakfast and then we spent some time at Karan and Ken's house. Clint and Max also surprised me with a beautiful glass screen door for the front of the house and some gorgeous flowers that Max picked out himself.

Delicious strawberry waffle :)

Max loved his breakfast as well.

I really enjoy having a screen door again. It is perfect for spring breezes, and it
brings in a lot more light. 

Thank you Max and Shnooks!!!

Max got a surprise from Napps and Amma for their backyard: A new swingset! He can't stop talking about how much fun it is. Max says, "Thank you!"

My good friends, Amanda and Brad were able to visit at the end of May with their son Jack. The boys had a fun time playing while we caught up. It was great for Max to have a little one around to get him ready for his new baby brother. We look forward to seeing the Muckenthalers again in July for Jack's 1st birthday!

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