Friday, June 24, 2011

Week Two

Leo's second weekend home brought more visitors! My family :) G-Norm, Mom, Dad, and my brother Zach came up on Saturday and then my mom was able to also stay for the next 4 days. It was so much fun having them here! They brought Max's pool that they bought as a Chrismas present & Max loves it. He had so much fun splashing around in it.

Great Grandma Oma (Great Grandma Grandma) holding Leo. He is much easier for her to hold compared to Max!

Dad and Zach had fun throwing the football around in the backyard.

Uncle Zach holding his second nephew.

Max decided that he was going to be Erkle for a little while. It was hilarious! My Aunt Kathy also commented that he is on the next plane to Miami, lol. He would fit right in with the older folks down there, lol.

It was a fun visit! We can't wait to see them all again in a couple of weeks.

1 comment:

  1. does Leo have a "little peanut" shirt on? that is awesome!

    Angie and I called Little Thad "Peanut" when he was still in her womb (our first ultrasound he was about that size), and the name stuck.

