Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Eve

For Christmas Eve this year the boys and I drove to Sylvania to spend time with my family. Clint had to work, so the four of us are going to go back again tomorrow to celebrate Christmas with him and G-Norm. Max and Leo had fun opening their gifts. So many nice things! They are definitely spoiled...

Max looks kind of silly in this one, haha. It reminds me of Anchorman.


He liked to play with the wrapping paper! 

We also went to Christmas Eve service at the Rosary Cathedral in Toledo. It is a stunningly beautiful church. I love going there for Christmas Eve service. The boys did pretty well, but Max got a bit antsy halfway through and started taking his shoes off. I took him to the back of the church and then we ended up going outside. I missed half of the service, but it was still nice. After church we went to Terry and Shannon's for dinner. Delicious! We ate a ton and had fun talking. The boys all played downstairs, and Max enjoyed hanging out with the big boys for the night :) 

Gary and Johnny with their new ping pong table. 

Ready, Johnny? 

Max ate almost all of this fruit. He is obsessed with it...he could probably eat fruit and only fruit everyday. 

1 comment:

  1. Its so nice to relive the moments w/pictures! fun to see Max happy w/his gifts, hope he continues to enjoy them! Dad & i had a great time w/all of you here, and that you were able to be at church w/us. Ditto for time spent at Terry & Shannon's. Merry Happy Christmas to our beautiful families.
