Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Leo Photo Opp

Leo and I had fun a couple of days ago taking pictures on our bed. 

Smiley Baby :) 

Blue Eyes

Here are some of Max at the same age.

I think they look like brothers, hehe. I'm glad Leo didn't have a granuloma like his big brother though-- poor boy.


  1. what the heck is a granuloma? The look so similiar, he is getting gigantic! I like the one of Max doing his pucker face, Johanna does that face all the time now and I always think of him. Jeff and I have been making the face and saying 'juice' like Max used to when he was younger with his pucker lips, she thinks it's hilarious!

  2. Haha, I love that face too! That is hilarious that you guys are doing that to Johanna. A granuloma was that problem with his belly button-- kind of like a little hernia underneath. It didn't go away for the first few months.
