Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Leo's First Bite

Truthfully, we tried to feed Leo his first bite of rice cereal when he turned 4 months. Using Max as my example, I figured he would be overjoyed to taste his first sample of "real" food. However, that was not the case. Leo was uninterested then and is still just as uninterested a little over a month later. 

After the first couple of attempts didn't go over well, I decided to wait until he turned 5 months to try again. He still doesn't like it much! My sister mentioned giving Johanna a smashed up banana at first because she also wasn't very interested in the rice cereal. I decided to try that with Leo. He liked that a little bit better than the rice! So, for the past few days we have been giving him bananas for breakfast and I also tried sweet potatoes for dinner. He likes those as well. He still doesn't have a very big appetite for either. Only about 10 bites or so and he is good. I think I might wait another week or so before trying something else because he seems to just really care less about it, lol. He still doesn't show a ton of interest in the food and really just eats it because I am spooning it into his mouth. I'm sure this will change soon enough! 

1 comment:

  1. I love how Max is feeding him! What a good big brother! You are right, little Leo will eat when he's ready :)Have fun introducing him to new flavors!
