Saturday, November 19, 2011

Thanksgiving Tree

On one of my new favorite websites, Pintrest, I saw an idea for a Thanksgiving Tree. I thought it was such a great idea, I decided to make my own. The hardest part was finding branches, lol. Our neighborhood is very new, so there aren't a lot of established trees. However, in the pond there is a beautiful tree on a little island and I ended up finding the perfect assortment of branches for my project. Well, Max decided the sticks were his while we took our walk and was quick to break them. :( So,  Clint, the boys and I decided to take a walk in a nature preserve about a half mile from our house.  It is about a 3/4 mile walk among lots of trees and beautiful fields. I really just wanted to go on a stick finding mission. I thought for sure I would find some. In all actuality it was harder than it sounds. There were some branches on the ground, but many of them were still too soft to break easily. Max helped me out quite a bit and we ended up finding a pretty good bunch.

Now, the point of the Thanksgiving Tree is to take time as a family each day leading up to Thanksgiving to write down something you are thankful for on the little cut out "ornaments". This reminds us all what the holiday is for and how important it is to be thankful for all of our blessings from God. I think I will continue this tradition for at least a few more years (until I'm sure Max and Leo will be "to cool" for it, lol).


  1. What a cool idea! I'll have to remember that one for next year!

  2. This is so cute, what a good idea to help celebrate what Thanksgiving should be about.
    Can't wait to celebrate together.

    love you

  3. I love that idea!! Very creative of you!
