Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Trick or Treat 2011

Last night we had Trick or Treating in our neighborhood. Max was about as into it as last year- once he got 9 or 10 pieces of candy he was done. He just wanted to go home and eat it! 

Our neighbors a couple of houses down thought it would be funny to put candy canes in their treat bucket. That was the first piece of candy Max picked out and the first piece he ate! 

I am going to run home so I can eat my candy!!

Never mind, I am just going to sit down here on the curb and eat it. 

Daddy is being bombarded with kids. 

Napps and Leo :) 

I got another treat, Mama! 

Trick or Treat! 


  1. Max makes a great Jake!! I love his little headband. It looks like your neighborhood did really well for trick or treating! Did all the little ones go out early while it was still light out it looks like?

  2. Aww my little Leo the Lion you are so cute!!
    and Max looks so grown up in his pirate costume.
    Glad it was such a nice evening. Love the picture of Max running down the street with his pumpkin bucket,, reminds me of a Dennis the Menace movie. What great parents the boys have and Naps is pretty awesome himself!
